tekome alchemy

Energy Therapy

Energy therapy involves activating and working with the ‘universal’ or ‘life force’ energy of creation. Known as chi in China, and ki in Japan, the energy moves through the human bodies meridian system. It becomes disrupted when you experience trauma or accept limiting beliefs about yourselves. This can affect your ability carry out your soul purpose and to live in a state of joy, love and abundance.
A block in energy can also lead to reduction in the size of your aura/energy field, physical, emotional and mental discomfort, and the lowering of the body’s immune system. There are many different types of energy therapy and healing. The method I use begins with a short relaxation sequence to ground and to connect with the energy of source.
We then map the areas of the body connected to the issue, and begin releasing the thought forms connected to it. This involves some breath work, visualization, working with angelic realm, and the invocation of powerful release codes and commands. This is a multi – dimensional healing process which clears limitation, from all layers of the aura, across all space time and genetic lines. This type of energy therapy can also remove hooks and energetic cords from your aura.
Emotional cords are etheric attachments to your aura that bind you or connect you with a person, object or situation. They create a sense of stress and strain in your being. If you are feeling drained or obligated in a certain situation or relationship, you probably have cords attached to your aura. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated.
Intuitive energy healing involves the recipient sitting on a chair or lying on a couch fully clothed. The practitioner enters a relaxed state, where they are able to sense the thought forms related to the issue. With assistance from the spiritual realm, the practitioner invokes powerful release codes and commands to heal the aura and clear stuck energy across all time and space. Energy therapy can be used in conjunction with a number of other modalities, and is useful for:
Limiting beliefs
Aura Clearing
Emotional cord cutting
Stuck emotions
Physical pain
Healing Karma
Ancestral Healing
Releasing spirit attachments
1hr £150.00
0.5hr £80.00